Expansion Principle
Level 2 Training
Ready to deepen your practice and relationship with the Expansion Principle energies?
The Level 2 Training is a 6 month program designed to prepare you to be a Certified Expansion Principle™ Advanced Practitioner, meaning you will be able to use this technology with groups and individual clients.
The Expansion Principle™ Level 2 is for Level 1 practitioners who have a hunger for even deeper understanding of the capacity of the Expansion Principle energies. Those of you who have a love of knowledge and continual evolution.
You have experienced the magic, love and support of the Expansion Principle energies during your first set of Attunements. This next set allows for continued healing, energetic and spiritual support on your path.
Many, if not all of you, "just knew" the first time around. I believe the same will be true now.
Level 2 explores deeper metaphysical understandings and inner workings of the Expansion Principle. Advanced training will prepare you to share the Expansion Principle in new ways, including being able to deliver the Illumination Process, the Expansion Principle's version of DNA activation.
Feel all in already?
Scroll down to choose your payment option and register.
Interested in learning more about becoming Attuned to Level 2 of the Expansion Principle for personal growth?
Read on for more information.
The Training coursework includes
Going Quantum
Module 1
Understanding the Micro and Macro of Quantum Reality
Intersection between the spiritual “unseen” and Quantum Physics
Becoming Crystalline
Module 2
Sacred Geometry
Platonic Solids
Storing Data
Physical and Spiritual DNA
Module 3
Consciousness and DNA
Basics of Physical DNA
Basics of Spiritual DNA
Soul Origins
Module 4
The Importance of an individuals origin
Differentiating from Source
Working with Origins
Module 5
New Earth Dynamics
Human Interpersonal Relationships
Energetics of Group Balance
Facilitating Groups
Module 6
The Illumination Process
Module 7
The mechanics of the Illumination Process
How to perform an Illumination
Individual and Group Sessions
The Illumination Scaffolding
Module 8
Accessing the Scaffolding
Accessing the Spiritual Soup
Working with the scaffolding, stents, clearing, stabilizing energetics etc.
Module 9
Individual and Group Sessions
Structuring your Practice
Also included in the training program:
Group Voxer Chat
2 Group Calls per Month
4 Attunements
All modules delivered via livestream or pre recorded content or during zoom calls at the description of Dr. Alexis